Unlike the Master Sword, the Four Sword was not originally of the world of Hyrule, nor did it originally go by that name. It has often been used to seal evil entities away such as Vaati and later Ganon. Typically when it is in use by Link, it will split him into four copies of himself with differing colored tunics: green, red, blue and purple. The only person shown to have wielded the Four Sword in gameplay is the hero of Hyrule, Link. Like its spiritual counterpart in the series, the Master Sword, it possesses the power to repel evil, meaning that like the Master Sword, it cannot be touched by those of impure heart. As its name implies, when wielded by one of pure heart, it has the power to split its pedestal into four near-identical copies of themselves.
It is a legendary magical blade that sparkles with magical power, and it has a hilt of gold, usually encrusted with a jewel that varies in color. The Four Sword is a recurring item in The Legend of Zelda series.